Friday, January 11, 2013

Home Decongestant Remedy

I had a fantastic doctor when I lived in New York City, Scott Gerson, M.D. While going to him I was healthier than I had ever been, mainly because he focused on prevention of disease rather than just treating it. His prescriptions led to a change in eating and exercise habits, and he recommended seasonal cleanses, which he prescribed and oversaw.

Dr. Gerson didn't give everyone the same prescription, either. There was no easy "eat less, exercise more" bull coming from his office. From what I saw, whatever was causing the health or weight problems a person had, Dr. Gerson had a solution. He was on to the different causes of being overweight before I ever heard about it in the media. So, people really DID lose weight and keep it off. People really did get over what was upsetting their stomachs or other issues, once and for all.

Still, I used to come down with bronchitis each winter like clockwork. I’d be unable to leave the house for several days and when the fevers were over would be coughing continually until I’d gotten an appointment to see my acupuncturist.

One year I could see and feel the symptoms coming and was hoping to head it off at the pass. I called Dr. Gerson’s office for an appointment. But he didn’t take the appointment. He called me back, telling me to save my money (he was out-of-network) and try a home remedy first. He simply told me to go to the grocery store and buy some basil and thyme, then simmer a handful of each with a few peppercorns and a pinch of cayenne pepper for 20 minutes, and drink it.

Within a few hours of drinking that tea, everything congesting my bronchial passages was coming up and being expelled. At some point the next day, it was all gone. ALL GONE!

I have given that remedy to friends for years since and everyone is amazed at how effective it is.

The reason I am bringing him up now, is many people around me either have had this awful virus going around or seem to be coming down with it. I just came through it, myself. Alternating teas made with Sunrider herbs and Whole Foods Mom's Chicken Soup (when I could eat), with Tylenol sinus at night, I made it through 48 hours of feverish hell. Then I went to acupuncture and felt 100 times better, immediately. Except my sinuses were still congested, so full that even after taking the Tylenol, my eyes hurt from the pressure and I couldn’t sleep on my back, because in that position it felt like I was drowning.

Enter Dr. Gerson’s simple tea that cleans that stuff out, and quickly. I knew it worked for bronchial stuff but didn’t know if it would be able to clean out the sinuses as well. It does. My voice, my whole demeanor changed within a couple of hours of drinking it and I haven’t taken any Tylenol since.

This tea is not a cure all but it is an easy and inexpensive decongestant that can be added safely to whatever medicines and herbs you’re taking (that is, if your label doesn’t say “do not take with pasta sauce”). It helps me and I hope it helps you, too.

Dr. Gerson’s Decongestion Remedy


Handful of basil (stems are ok)
Handful of thyme
A few peppercorns (maybe 5 or 6)
A pinch of cayenne pepper
1 clove of garlic, peeled (optional)
About 16 ounces of filtered water


Gently simmer all ingredients in small saucepan for 20 minutes. Remove from heat. Pour tea through a strainer into mug.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This sounds great, Scarlet! I will try it and pass it on!
